Thursday, 24 February 2011

In the Spring Mood! В весеннем Настроении!

Good morning!
What a weather today! I have to say that I have been long time waiting for this sun shine and bird singing! Remember my pictures from the first post? Inspired by the colour scheme I have ended up with two cards, which I would like to show you.

Доброго всем утречка!
Выдался же, наконец, погожий денек! Долго-долго я ждала солнышка и птичьего щебета. Вдохновившись цветовой палитрой фотографий с первого поста, я придумала вот такие открытки.

The first one is an attempt to recreate a tenderness of early morning. Therefore, minimum of details.
Первая - попытка передать нежность раннего утра. Поэтому минимум деталей.

Here  is the closer look at details.
Здесь поближе.

And my lovely butterfly.
И бабочка, конечно же.

Here I would like to thank my DC buddy Kim Dellow. I fell in love with the cardboard after looking at her cards.

Теперь я хотела бы сказать спасибо Ким Деллоу. Именно после просмотра ее открыток, я влюбилась в идею с гофрированным картоном!

Now the second card is a Bag Spring! LOL!!!

Вторая открыточка - ну прям мешок весны! Всего много и сразу!

How do you like it?
Ну как?

And some more details.
И еще чуток деталек.

By the way, for the bag I used tiny distressed envelope .
Кстати, для мешочка я использовала маленький конвертик, который я порвала и состарила.

Now I am heading off to make some more lovely pictures! Talk to you later.
Теперь отправляюсь за новыми впечатлениями и фотографиями! До новых встреч!


  1. I did in fact leave a comment earlier today but for some reason it didn't seem to get published so would just like to say that I though your interpretation of spring is simply beautiful, especially like the envelope you are such a clever girl hope you get this one, love marie

  2. I adore these! Thanks for sharing! You are an artist!

  3. Hiya fellow DC-er! I haven't checked my DC account for a while - naughty! Just loving your makes they are so gorgeous! The cardboard works so well! Just loving all the texture and the colour palette - wonderful. Adore the pocket one as well, just so clever. Hope you are having a good weekend. Kimx

  4. Как же красиво и солнечно!


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